2016年5月11日 星期三

Death in Disguise

Life is as much a way of living as a form of dying.

In the first phase, cells multiply, grow old, give way to new cells
at m. cells per nano second. 

Whilst entering the second phase, 
The growth decelerates
Because old cells have taken the helm,
Banning newbies from regenerating. 
They have nothing but one innocent wish:
To live to the fullest,
Without accepting the fate of infantile death. 

The more they strive, 
The weaker they get. 

This is when fear comes in. 
So strong Is the desire to live,
That in time the fear blinds them,
Tricking them to form an army,
Pit against allies,
For unwelcome aliens,
Whom have been mistaken. 

Each battle won, some casualties claimed. 
They have no choice, but to keep fighting.

Until the very last moment, 
So startled are they, 
now only very few of them,
To realize,'twas they themselves, 
Who had this coming. 

After all, for this being to live on, 
Inevitable it was for them to early decease. 


Been there or going there...

  1. Kyoto, Japan
  2. London, UK
  3. Florence, Italy