2007年12月17日 星期一

衝菜 / Wasabi-like Greens

This is a Taiwanese seasonal side dish, which is very easy to prepare. If you like the flavor of wasabi, then you'll definitely love it. This is how to prepare:

1. Have 2 big bowls of Caixin leaves (菜心葉) cleaned and chopped into small pieces.
2. Stir fry the chopped leaves with 2 teaspoons of oil for 15 seconds.
3. See if the leaves turn from dark green into light green. If so, turn off the fire, and put the leaves into a pot with a lid.
4. Leave it to cool off for 15 minutes. Then add some soy sauce, and the dish is ready to serve.

1. Do not overcook the Caixin leaves; otherwise, it won't give the spicy flavor that resembles wasabi.
2. Once the dish is done, it can be refrigerated for up to 3 days and served as a cold dish.
3. You can get Caixin leaves only in winter.


Been there or going there...

  1. Kyoto, Japan
  2. London, UK
  3. Florence, Italy